Monday 23 November 2009

Textual Analysis - Double Page Spread

This is a textual analysis of the music magazine 'Q'. It is the Decemeber 2009 issue.

Adverts in 'Q'
-> There are 35 adverts included in this magazine. This does not include the section of tour dates at the back of the magazine which individually advertise different artists/bands.
-> At lot of the advertisements featured in this issue are for new realeses of albums. There are also a couple of car adverts and also a few for mens watches. There are also some for alcoholic drinks such as beer and Jack Daniels.

Double Page Spread - N-DUBZ
->The headline of the article is 'Who the hell do N-DUBZ think they are?' The word 'hell' is written in italic writing, this is to make it more emphasied. The way this headline is written will engage with the target audience of the band as it is written as it would be spoken.
->Underneath the main header this is a sub-heading which reads: 'The sound of young Britain. Innit?', this is a statement. It refers to the band N-DUBZ and how possibly there music is reflective of British teenagers today as they are known to use language such as 'Innit?'.
->The article is for entertainment. The interview with the band has been turned into a story like article so it is more entertaining for the reader and also so they can twist what the band have said. The whole article has a sarcastic tone as the magazine is mocking the band.
-> The right hand side of the page is photo of the band N-DUBZ. They are dressed in clothes that are stereotypical of their band. There is a quote from Dappy who is a member of the band over the picture that reads, 'The haters come at you to plunge a metal ting into your leg or neck'. This again links in with the sarcastic tone of the article as it is portraying that people don't like the band. In the photo, the man on the left is wearing a hat. He is known for wearing hats like these. In the article it comments on his hats: 'mostly famed for the ridiculous hats he insists on wearing, ear-floppy woolen things that originate from Peru but which he got "down Camden way"'. The language used to describe the member of the band and his taste in hats is very negative. It implies that the only reason he is well-known because of his taste in hats and not because of his music. It also implies that he is stupid as he only knows them to come from Camden and not originating from Peru.
-> The band is represented in a negative way. This is because 'Q' magazines target audience are different to that of N-DUBZ. Therefore the most of the people who have bought this magazine would not want to read a positive article about the band as they are not the type of music that they like listening to.
-> The article includes some facts about the bands albums and songs releases for example, 'It's sold more than 500,000 copies, spawned hit singles and reaped Mobo awards, and has allowed them a glimpse of the good life.'
-> I think this article is best in the print platform as the target audience of 'Q' may not be willing to read about the band N-DUBZ on the internet as it may not be clear if it is negative or positive. I think this is the reason that the band have not been featured on the cover. The target audience of 'Q' do no want to read a positive article about N-DUBZ. I think the print platform is the most effective for this article.
-> The opening line of the article is: 'Still buzzing from having just spent the past hour flying remote-controlled aeroplanes in a nearby field...'. This implies that the band member is a child and also isn't a serious musician. 

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