Monday 9 November 2009

NME Textual Analysis

NME - Textual Analysis

-> The header reads 'NME' which is the name of the magazine. The font used as the header is the logo of the magazine as it is featured on all of their magazines and also on the website. This font is memorable amongst the target audience as they recognise it to be NME's.
-> The main colours used on this front cover are red, black and yellow. Which are very eye-catching colours and also clash together making the front cover catch the eye of the reader.
-> The most eye-catching part
of the cover is the text, 'The Automatic' which is plastered across the centre of the page. The word 'the' is written in capitals in white, with a red backdrop; this highlights the text and makes it stand out more. The word 'Automatic' is also written in capital letters but is larger and in yellow but also with the same red backdrop. There is a quote from the band above the text. And underneath the text 'The Automatic' their is the name of the article which is going to be featured in the magazine, 'How their monster hit nearly killed them'.
-> The main image on this front cover is of the band 'The Automatic'. This is the main highlight of the page. Part of the image goes over the header, this makes part of the title 'NME' un-readable, this doesn't affect the image of the magazine it is still recognisable to the reader as they will recognise the colour schemes and busy cover. The slogan underneath the header is almost completely covered by the image of 'The Automatic'.
->All of the other images and text on the page stems from the top of the page or the bottom. The only part of the page that isnt attached to the top or the bottom is the main article featured which is in the middle linking with the background image. This highlights the main content more.
-> Along the top of the page next to the header is a red shape with an image in the top right hand corner with two pieces of text to the left and underneath of it. All of the text is white and yellow which stands out against the red background. The image has a white backdrop which helps to emphasise it more. This is again featured along the bottom of the page. There is a red shape with yellow and white text over it and a couple more images that link in with the main stories along the bottom. The main titles of the stories are in yellow whereas the brief summary of the title of the article is in white.
-> The barcode, price and issue number is in the bottom right hand corner of the p


NME info

-> NME stands for New Musical Express.
-> This magazine has been published weekly since 1952.

-> In the 1970's it became the best-selling British music magazine.
-> The first issue was published on 7th March 1952. It was initially printed in a non-glossy tabloid format on standard news print.

-> NME magazine has expanded to radio, web and also having their own awards and tours.
-> Krissie Murison is the current editor of the music magazine.
-> From 1988 onwards the magazine has been printed in full glossy colour in a tabloid size and has developed more into a magazine format.
-> In 2008 the magazine changed its design to be aimed at an older readership with a less poppy and more authoritative tone. The first issue of the re-design featured a free seven inch Coldplay vinyl single.

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