Monday 9 November 2009

Q - Textual Analysis

Q Textual Analysis

-> The header of this magazine is a capital 'Q'. The 'Q' is in bold white text with a slight black backdrop in a red square box. This gives it a 3D effect but also makes it stand out against the vibrance of the colour red. The date,price and website address are written under the letter 'Q' in white text. The issue number is written above the 'Q' in bold black text, this contrasts with the other text around it. There is a black rectangle of text over part of the 'Q'
-> Along the top of the page it reads 'The essential music guide' in bold, white capital letters which are on a red rectangle box running the full width of the page.
-> Next to the header and under the text at the top there is an article about the band Bloc Party and also an image. This text and image is on a white background, this contrasts with the red of the background of the other things around it. The text is black which stands out on the white background making the article stand out more.
-> The main background colour is white. The background image is of the band 'Coldplay' but the photo has been edited and the background has been taken away so the image is just of the people on a white background, this makes them stand out more. Part of the image goes over the header reading 'Q', however the header is still legible.
-> The largest text on the page is that of the main article which reads 'Coldplay' in large yellow font. It is the only font on the page which is in a colour other than white or black, this makes it stands out more, and draws your attention to it on first look. Underneath the word 'Coldplay' there is a few key words which explain what the article in the magazine is about and then there is the name of the person who has written the article. The other font around the word 'Coldplay' is in a white text.
-> There are two other pieces of text down the side of the page underneath the header 'Q' which advertise a couple of other things that are featured in that issue of the magazine.
-> 'On tour with U2', 'U2' is written in bold red font which contrasts with the rest of the black text in the phrase.
-> There is another article underneath which includes a picture.
-> Along the bottom of the page there is a red bar running the full length of the page with a red square at the left side with the letter 'Q' in which is the magazines logo and header. The bar at the bottom is advertising the 'Q news' section of the magazine and what this issue of the magazine is featuring.
-> The barcode is on the right hand side of the page near to the bottom.
-> The main colours of this magazine are red black yellow and white.


Q info

-> 'Q' is a music magazine which is published monthly in the United Kingdom. The editor of the magazine is Paul Rees. This magazine is published by Bauer Media Group.

-> The magazine has an extensive review section including new releases, live concerts, television, radio etc. Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular music artists. The magazine is well-known or compiling lists such as 'The 100 Greatest Albums'.

- Every other month 'Q' and its sister magazine ('Mojo') have a special edition. Promotional gifts are also given away such as cover-mounted CD's or books.

-> Every issue of 'Q' has a different message on the spine, readers then have to work out what the message on the spine has to do with the content of the magazine.

-> 'Q' is published at the beginning of a month.

-> There is also television, radio and awards.

-> 'Q' was originally to be called 'Cue' (named after the act of cueing a record to play), but the name was changed to 'Q' so it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine.

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