Saturday 28 November 2009

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Krissie Dawn hit the music industry a storm this year with her single “Comes With a Caution” which left her with a platinum selling single, that reached number one all across the UK and also in America. The single stayed at number one for a reel of four weeks. Now here she is promoting her debut album “Warning”. The sassy rocker from South East England is not your average seventeen year old girl. Her eccentric personality, oh-so-true lyrics and sexy style are the foundation of a successful girl who has become an amazing talent in a year. Krissie Dawn is most deffinitely the one to watch at this years Riot Awards, will she get the Best New Act award? 

Now it’s time to get personal, here Krissie Dawn talks of boyfriends, truth or dare and of course her new album “Warning”...

So, Krissie. Platinum selling single. Debut Album. Seventeen years old, and all in under one year! How does that make you feel?
-> *Laughs* It’s crazy! This time last year I remember sitting in boring lessons not really knowing what the future was going to bring! It all happened so quickly.

Quickly indeed. How have you taken to being the centre of the media’s attention?
-> It’s strange, but I guess it’s quite nice being the centre of attention *cheeky grin*. Every girl loves the attention theres no denying that. I feel like such a celebrity being followed by the paparazzi when the only place i’m going is for a quick spend up in Topshop *laughs*

You are a celebrity! I can guarantee that every girl envies you.
-> Noway. Of course not. Okay, well maybe a bit... *raises her eyebrow*

So, tell us about your new album? It happened very fast, but of course we are all eagerley waiting for the release, which I believe is in a couple of weeks?
-> Yes! Guys, please buy it! It’s amazing, trust. But yes, the album, i’m so happy with it i worked so hard and am so pleased with the outcome. You’ll love it. Obviously. *flicks her hair*

We have no doubt that your album will be a number one seller along with your album. Now lets get personal...
-> Oh god...

Ha. You shouldn’t be worried, should you? Oh yes, we’ve done our research.
-> Ahhh. Okay now I am scared!

Don’t worry. We’ll be nice! So, tell us about school?
-> Ha. Well believe it or not, I actually went to an all girls grammar school. Yes girlies, I did say ALL girls. It was a nightmare! Not a boy in sight. Well other than my geography teacher, but I think we’ll leave the comments about him to a minimum *winks*. I’m joking!

“Rules are there to be broken!”

An all girls grammar school?! Are you glad to be out making music now, or would you rather be back in those geography lessons erm drooling over your teacher?
-> Ahh! No, no, no. I did not drool! Yes I much prefer being out being famous and all that. *laughs*. I do miss my old life though. But nothing compares to it now.

Well i’m sure that the future only holds more success for you! Year eleven, french trip. Explanation needed now!...
-> Oh no! How did you find out about that?! Are you my stalker?! Ahhhhh. This is so embarassing.

-> Okay. Well in year eleven we visited Paris for the weekend. I’ve never exactly been the A* goody two shoes, well as a matter of fact i’m probably classed as the exact opposite! Anyways, we had to share rooms with 3 other girls. I took it upon myself to arrange a midnight rampage down the corridors of the hotel. Knock down ginger was the first thing that came to mind. So of we went in our groups of about 4 running up and down the staircases knocking on every door in sight. Me and my group found the kitchens and decided it would be fun to cover the entire corridor in flour. Yeah well in a nutshell, we got kicked out. Muwahaha. I was banned from every school trip and was sentenced to like a life-time of detentions. Ha, nobody was impressed. Well i was *grins*.

Yeah, I bet they weren’t too pleased! Did you regret it after when you were “sentence” to all those detentions?
-> Actually, no, I didn’t. At the time it was such a laugh! Live for now, eh? Rules are there to be broken!.

Were you always getting into trouble at school?
->Of course! That’s the reason I went to school. Okay that sounds really bad. School was just a game of truth or dare! I didn’t really take it seriously. It was most deffinitely fun though and that’s the main thing!

Well I guess you had to find some entertainment from somewhere. No boys, well other then Mr Geography! What did you do?
-> I really shouldn’t of mentioned that! I’m never going to live that one down! But yes, I know! It was awful, no boys was horrible, but of course I found some from somwhere *raises eyebrow*.

Of course. I wouldn’t doubt that for a second! So, do you currently have a boy?
-> Why thankyou. I think? Ha. But no, I don’t. Well at the moment I don’t really want one. I want to focus on my music career, not saying there is no time for boys, but right now they’re not the most important thing! Ahh, I NEVER thought I would be saying that! Am I growing up?! *shocked face*.

“School was just a game of truth or dare!”

I think you are! Back to your music...
-> Phew, I can relax a bit now! Ha.

Don’t worry Krissie Dawn, we will most deffinitely be returning to your personal life! Your’e not getting off that easy! So, I hear your’e going on tour next year? Any juicy behind the scenes gossip you would liek to reveal?
-> You guys know everything! Are you sure your’e not stalking me? Ha. Anyway, yes the tour. Next year. It’s going to be amazing! I’m so excited. Juicy gossip, eh? Well thats for me to know and for you guys to find out, so buy tickets and come and see me!! The tour is going to include all of the songs on my album which is really exciting because I haven’t really perfomed them as of yet. I can’t wait,

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