Monday 9 November 2009

Mojo - Textual Analysis

Mojo - Textual Analysis

-> The header is in capital letters and reads 'Mojo', it is written in white text with a black backdrop making it stand out more and look 3D. There is a slight gradient to the text which makes it look more 3D and also makes it look less dull as it is not one plain colour.
-> The main colours used on this page are black, white, blue, gold and yellow.
-> Underneath the header in gold italic text it reads 'The Rock n Roll Magazine', the font and way it is positioned makes it look as though it has been scribbled on my hand.
-> On the left hand side under the header the date, issue number and price are written. This is written in white text, this gives it a more official look than the gold writing that says, 'The Rock n Roll Magazine'.
-> Along the top of the page there is a bar of text and two images that appear to be like news headlines. The titles of the articles are in bold, white text and then the information about the article is in gold text.
-> Also, in the top right hand corner there is a star with names of other bands featured in it written in the center of the shape. The star is bright yellow which makes it stand out against the other things on the page.
-> The background image of the page is of the band Oasis. Behind them is the colour blue which portrays the sky. Written above them there is text that says, 'New Band Of The Year' in gold writing which contrasts with the blue of the sky in the background. 'Oasis' is written in large gold writing. It is the biggest thing on the page, this makes it stand out the most and also highlights the fact that the image in the background is of the band Oasis and also that the main feature of this issue of the magazine is about the band Oasis. There is a quote from the article that reads, "You've got the band you always wanted", this is written in white text.
-> In the bottom left hand corner there is a bright yellow star that is smaller than the one in the top right hand corner. This star has the word 'plus' written in it. Along the bottom of the page next to the star is about the extras that are featured in the magazine. These are written in bold white text.
-> The barcode for this magazine is featured in the bottom right hand corner.

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