Friday 13 November 2009


1. Do you prefer a magazine to be one specific genre of music or a general music magazine?
-> I asked this question to see if people prefer a magazine to be a specific genre of music such as R n B or Jazz, or if they prefer a magazine which touches on all areas of the music industry. 

2. Which music magazines are you currently interested in?
-> I asked this question as it will be useful to see which magazines people currently read so then I can see which conventions those magazines use and also what type of magazine cover attracts the reader.

3. Do you like a music magazine to have lists of the top albums and gigs etc. For example, "100 best rock songs"?
-> I asked this question to get an idea of what my target audience like to have featured in a magazine. If the target audience like the idea of having a section devoted to countdowns of  "the 100 best.." then this could possibly be a main feature of my magazine.

4. Do you prefer a music magazine to have music festival and gig coverage, including photos and exclusive interviews?
-> This question will again provide information as to what I could include in my magazine and also help me to see what the target audience are interested in.

5. What extras do you like a music magazine to feature? For example, quizzes, freebies etc?
-> This question will determine what extras my target audience like a music magazine to have. This again could help when configuring the genre of the magazine. Having freebies with a magazine is a typical convention of any genre of magazine.

6. What colours do you associate with a music magazine and the music industry in general?
-> This will help me decide what colours to use on my magazine. Therefore, my magazines identity will definitely have that of a music magazine and also appeal to my target audience.

7. How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?
-> This magazine will help configure the pricing of the magazine. The price needs to be of a reasonable amount so my target audience will be willing to buy it, this question will determine that price.

8. What element of the front cover attracts your attention first?
-> This will show me which feature on the front cover attracts the attention of my target audience first. Therefore I know which element of the front cover to make the most prominent, such as image or text.

9. Would you prefer the magazine to touch on other areas of the media such as celebrities and fashion or focus strictly on the music industry?
-> This will determine if my target audience would like the magazine to be purely about music or include other things that they are interested in.

10. Do you listen to music that is currently in the charts? 
-> This will provide information as to if my target audience listen to music that is in the charts so therefore this could be a main focus of the magazine. If they don't then the magazine could contain music from other era's.

11. What genre of music are you mainly interested in? Would you buy a magazine based around this genre?
-> This will determine the most popular genre of music amongst my target audience and whether or not they would be interested in buying a magazine to do with that specific genre.

12. How often do you read about music?
-> This will convey how often my new music magazine should be published. For example, weekly or monthly depending on my target audience and how often they want to read about music.

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