Friday 13 November 2009

Questionnaire Results

To obtain these results I asked a range of people between the ages of 15 and 30.

I asked a selection of 30 people to fill out my questionnaire.

1. Do you prefer a magazine to be one specific genre of music or a general music magazine?
-> The majority of people I asked said that they would prefer the magazine to be a general magazine that covers different types and genres of music.

2. Which music magazines are you currently interested in?
-> NME, Q and Mojo were the most common answers from this question. Research of these magazines would be a good idea.

3. Do you like a music magazine to have lists of the top albums and gigs etc. For example, "100 best rock songs"?
-> Yes, this was the answer that most people said as they like to know what songs are popular at the moment and also they can get ideas of what music to download. For example if it was "100 best rock songs" and they liked rock music then they could look on this list and find other rock songs.

4. Do you prefer a music magazine to have music festival and gig coverage, including photos and exclusive interviews?
-> People said that they liked music festival coverage and interviews with artists and bands. Another feature they said they like to be included is that of recent award ceremonies such as the EMA's. They also said they liked competitions for winning gig tickets and VIP tickets.

5. What extras do you like a music magazine to feature? For example, quizzes, freebies etc?
-> Most people said they liked lots of freebies including posters and sample albums. They also said they liked quizzes and competitions where you can win gig and festival tickets.

6. What colours do you associate with a music magazine and the music industry in general?
-> The main answer from this quewstion was the colour red. Other colours mentioned were yellow black, purple and blue. I will take this into consideration when choosing the colour scheme for my music magazine as I want colours that are representative of the music industry.

7. How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?
-> Most of the people that were asked said that they would be prepared to pay between £2 and £4.

8. What element of the front cover attracts your attention first?
-> One of the main elements that was mentioned in answer to this question was the background image of the front cover, for example if there is a celebrity they particularly like or just a vivid image which catched their eye. Also, colour scheme was said to be one of the most important elements of the front cover which attracts their attention first.

9. Would you prefer the magazine to touch on other areas of the media such as celebrities and fashion or focus strictly on the music industry?
-> The majority of people that were asked said that they would prefer it to be purely about the music industry.

10. Do you listen to music that is currently in the charts?
-> Many people that were asked said that they did listen to music that is currently in the charts. This means that I could think of having a section in the magazine which is devoted to information about music which is in the charts. People also said that they listen to music from specific genres, I will take this into consideration when deciding what my magazine should feature.

11. What genre of music are you mainly interested in? Would you buy a magazine based around this genre?
-> Rock, Pop, Indie and RnB were the most common answers to the first part of the question. Everyone who completed this questionnaire said that they would be interested in purchasing a magazine which was devoted to their favourite genre of music or which had elements of that genre in it.

12. How often do you read about music?
-> The majority of people asked said that they read about music weekly by reading magazines such as NME. They also said they expand their knowledge of the music industry by watching the music channels and also using the internet.

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