Monday 9 November 2009

Kerrang - Textual Analysis

Kerrang - Textual Analysis

-> This is the front cover of an issue of 'Kerrang' magazine.
-> The header of the magazine reads 'Kerrang' this goes along the top of the magazine cover under a panel of text. The middle section of the word 'Kerrang' is covered up by the person in the main background image. Ho
wever, the name and identity of the magazine is not un-known to the reader as the font and layout of the magazine is recognisable amongst the target audience and they recognise this to be the magazine 'Kerrang'.
-> Most of the font used in this magazine is in white and black text. Which is simplistic yet very effective, these colours link in with the header of the magazine.
-> The main feature of the page is the background image. The image is of Pete Wentz who is the lead singer of the band Fall Out Boy. The main text is in the middle
of the page and reads, 'Fall Out Boy' and underneath that 'Life is sweet!''. The text that describes the main article in the magazine links in with the background image of Pete Wentz eating an ice cream. Ice creams have connotations of being sweet this is portrayed in the image. The line, 'Life is sweet' is written in a different font in yellow text which portrays the sweetness and yellow is a bright colour.
- Underneath the main article there is a list of other bands which are featured in the magazine, they are written in bold white righting which make them stand out against Pete Wentz's orange/red t-shirt.
-> The barcode is featured in the white space between the ice-cream in the image and the edge of the page. This fills a blank white space so therefore the cover doesn't look as though their are any gaps in the layout and design of the page.

-> The articles in the magazine mainly feature the words 'Free' and 'Win' this would appeal to the target audience as they could win and get free stuff from the magazine.
-> There is a section of the page which is a speaker and over that there is a title that says 'High Voltage' with various other text underneath it. The meaning of
the words are potrayed through the image behind them, this technique is also used in the main background image.
-> 'Free Posters' is written on the left hand side of the page over an image of one of the posters that are free.
-> Along the top of the page there is a yellow bar of colour with 'Free CD' written on it and then extra information about the CD.


Kerrang info

-> Kerrang is a rock music magazine.
-> It is published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom.
-> The magazines name is onomatopoeic and refers to the noise made
when playing a power chord on an electric guitar.
-> Kerrang was first published on 1st June 1981 and was edited by Geoff Barton.
-> AC/DC appeared on the first cover of Kerrang.
-> Kerrang's most successful period came under editor Paul Rees at the turn of the millennium.
-> Kerrang includes a comic strip called Pandora, which makes fun of recent events in the rock world.
-> As well as the Kerrang magazine there is, TV, Radio, Tours, Awards and Message board.

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