Monday 7 December 2009


Comments - Front cover

Poppy: "professional looking, bold colours, would attract more of a male audience, eye-catching, original."

Brooke: "love the photo, think the yellow box is really good, like the list of artists down the right hand side, date and issue look professional, i like the riot award."

Jess: " really like the photo and love all the bright colours, definately looks professional! Well finished off with the little touches."

Comments on Contents Page
Poppy: "professional looking, simplistic, well-edited image, informative, eye-catching, fits in with other pages."

Brooke: "love the photo (again), think that the contents page is a little different to normal contents pages but this is good because it challenges conventions as well as expectations."
Jess: "very professional and different to most contents pages although could be confusing and I like the way things are highlighted around the edge."

Comments on Double Page Spread

Poppy: "professional looking, strong image, eye-catching and inviting"

Brooke: "like how the writing is done like with the blocks behind it and that. love the photo."
Jess: "like the way that the image is behind the text but I think that the small picture in the corner could be a bit bigger as it is a really good photo."

Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Role of Music Magazines

What role do music magazines have in the establishment of youth subcultures?
-> Music magazines play a vital role in the establishment of youth subcultures. Music magazines convey a certain image to go with different genres of music. For example an article about the band JLS would be represented in a different way to an article about the band The Enemy as they are different genres of music and therefore attract a different target audience. Different genres of music help to shape the personalities of teenagers as the music they listen to effects their lifestyle, for example the clothes they dress. Music magazines play the role of helping to shape the lifestyles of young people and also how they dress and speak. Therefore, music magazines influence teenagers lifestyles and therefore add to the establishment of youth subcultures as music magazine give teenagers an image for the music they listen to and young people follow this.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Beginning of Contents Page

Double Page Spread - Article Content

Krissie Dawn hit the music industry a storm this year with her single “Comes With a Caution” which left her with a platinum selling single, that reached number one all across the UK and also in America. The single stayed at number one for a reel of four weeks. Now here she is promoting her debut album “Warning”. The sassy rocker from South East England is not your average seventeen year old girl. Her eccentric personality, oh-so-true lyrics and sexy style are the foundation of a successful girl who has become an amazing talent in a year. Krissie Dawn is most deffinitely the one to watch at this years Riot Awards, will she get the Best New Act award? 

Now it’s time to get personal, here Krissie Dawn talks of boyfriends, truth or dare and of course her new album “Warning”...

So, Krissie. Platinum selling single. Debut Album. Seventeen years old, and all in under one year! How does that make you feel?
-> *Laughs* It’s crazy! This time last year I remember sitting in boring lessons not really knowing what the future was going to bring! It all happened so quickly.

Quickly indeed. How have you taken to being the centre of the media’s attention?
-> It’s strange, but I guess it’s quite nice being the centre of attention *cheeky grin*. Every girl loves the attention theres no denying that. I feel like such a celebrity being followed by the paparazzi when the only place i’m going is for a quick spend up in Topshop *laughs*

You are a celebrity! I can guarantee that every girl envies you.
-> Noway. Of course not. Okay, well maybe a bit... *raises her eyebrow*

So, tell us about your new album? It happened very fast, but of course we are all eagerley waiting for the release, which I believe is in a couple of weeks?
-> Yes! Guys, please buy it! It’s amazing, trust. But yes, the album, i’m so happy with it i worked so hard and am so pleased with the outcome. You’ll love it. Obviously. *flicks her hair*

We have no doubt that your album will be a number one seller along with your album. Now lets get personal...
-> Oh god...

Ha. You shouldn’t be worried, should you? Oh yes, we’ve done our research.
-> Ahhh. Okay now I am scared!

Don’t worry. We’ll be nice! So, tell us about school?
-> Ha. Well believe it or not, I actually went to an all girls grammar school. Yes girlies, I did say ALL girls. It was a nightmare! Not a boy in sight. Well other than my geography teacher, but I think we’ll leave the comments about him to a minimum *winks*. I’m joking!

“Rules are there to be broken!”

An all girls grammar school?! Are you glad to be out making music now, or would you rather be back in those geography lessons erm drooling over your teacher?
-> Ahh! No, no, no. I did not drool! Yes I much prefer being out being famous and all that. *laughs*. I do miss my old life though. But nothing compares to it now.

Well i’m sure that the future only holds more success for you! Year eleven, french trip. Explanation needed now!...
-> Oh no! How did you find out about that?! Are you my stalker?! Ahhhhh. This is so embarassing.

-> Okay. Well in year eleven we visited Paris for the weekend. I’ve never exactly been the A* goody two shoes, well as a matter of fact i’m probably classed as the exact opposite! Anyways, we had to share rooms with 3 other girls. I took it upon myself to arrange a midnight rampage down the corridors of the hotel. Knock down ginger was the first thing that came to mind. So of we went in our groups of about 4 running up and down the staircases knocking on every door in sight. Me and my group found the kitchens and decided it would be fun to cover the entire corridor in flour. Yeah well in a nutshell, we got kicked out. Muwahaha. I was banned from every school trip and was sentenced to like a life-time of detentions. Ha, nobody was impressed. Well i was *grins*.

Yeah, I bet they weren’t too pleased! Did you regret it after when you were “sentence” to all those detentions?
-> Actually, no, I didn’t. At the time it was such a laugh! Live for now, eh? Rules are there to be broken!.

Were you always getting into trouble at school?
->Of course! That’s the reason I went to school. Okay that sounds really bad. School was just a game of truth or dare! I didn’t really take it seriously. It was most deffinitely fun though and that’s the main thing!

Well I guess you had to find some entertainment from somewhere. No boys, well other then Mr Geography! What did you do?
-> I really shouldn’t of mentioned that! I’m never going to live that one down! But yes, I know! It was awful, no boys was horrible, but of course I found some from somwhere *raises eyebrow*.

Of course. I wouldn’t doubt that for a second! So, do you currently have a boy?
-> Why thankyou. I think? Ha. But no, I don’t. Well at the moment I don’t really want one. I want to focus on my music career, not saying there is no time for boys, but right now they’re not the most important thing! Ahh, I NEVER thought I would be saying that! Am I growing up?! *shocked face*.

“School was just a game of truth or dare!”

I think you are! Back to your music...
-> Phew, I can relax a bit now! Ha.

Don’t worry Krissie Dawn, we will most deffinitely be returning to your personal life! Your’e not getting off that easy! So, I hear your’e going on tour next year? Any juicy behind the scenes gossip you would liek to reveal?
-> You guys know everything! Are you sure your’e not stalking me? Ha. Anyway, yes the tour. Next year. It’s going to be amazing! I’m so excited. Juicy gossip, eh? Well thats for me to know and for you guys to find out, so buy tickets and come and see me!! The tour is going to include all of the songs on my album which is really exciting because I haven’t really perfomed them as of yet. I can’t wait,

Front Cover

Friday 27 November 2009

Album Cover

-> This is the album that the article in the magazine is promoting. Krissie Dawn is a new artist releasing her debut album. The article in the magazine will include an interview with the artist.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Double Page Spread - Layout

Possible Layouts - Front Cover

This is a rough layout of what the front cover of my magazine could look like. The image would be centralised and also the text.


After having changed to taking my photos in the dark room, these are the best photos out of the ones i took and therefore will be used as part of my front page and double page spread.
Model: Krissie Dawn Ferris

Location One - Photoshoot

This was the first location that i took my photos at. However, after evaluating the images i decided that i wanted to do my photo shoot at another site which would fit more specifically with my genre.

Monday 23 November 2009

Textual Analysis - Double Page Spread

This is a textual analysis of the music magazine 'Q'. It is the Decemeber 2009 issue.

Adverts in 'Q'
-> There are 35 adverts included in this magazine. This does not include the section of tour dates at the back of the magazine which individually advertise different artists/bands.
-> At lot of the advertisements featured in this issue are for new realeses of albums. There are also a couple of car adverts and also a few for mens watches. There are also some for alcoholic drinks such as beer and Jack Daniels.

Double Page Spread - N-DUBZ
->The headline of the article is 'Who the hell do N-DUBZ think they are?' The word 'hell' is written in italic writing, this is to make it more emphasied. The way this headline is written will engage with the target audience of the band as it is written as it would be spoken.
->Underneath the main header this is a sub-heading which reads: 'The sound of young Britain. Innit?', this is a statement. It refers to the band N-DUBZ and how possibly there music is reflective of British teenagers today as they are known to use language such as 'Innit?'.
->The article is for entertainment. The interview with the band has been turned into a story like article so it is more entertaining for the reader and also so they can twist what the band have said. The whole article has a sarcastic tone as the magazine is mocking the band.
-> The right hand side of the page is photo of the band N-DUBZ. They are dressed in clothes that are stereotypical of their band. There is a quote from Dappy who is a member of the band over the picture that reads, 'The haters come at you to plunge a metal ting into your leg or neck'. This again links in with the sarcastic tone of the article as it is portraying that people don't like the band. In the photo, the man on the left is wearing a hat. He is known for wearing hats like these. In the article it comments on his hats: 'mostly famed for the ridiculous hats he insists on wearing, ear-floppy woolen things that originate from Peru but which he got "down Camden way"'. The language used to describe the member of the band and his taste in hats is very negative. It implies that the only reason he is well-known because of his taste in hats and not because of his music. It also implies that he is stupid as he only knows them to come from Camden and not originating from Peru.
-> The band is represented in a negative way. This is because 'Q' magazines target audience are different to that of N-DUBZ. Therefore the most of the people who have bought this magazine would not want to read a positive article about the band as they are not the type of music that they like listening to.
-> The article includes some facts about the bands albums and songs releases for example, 'It's sold more than 500,000 copies, spawned hit singles and reaped Mobo awards, and has allowed them a glimpse of the good life.'
-> I think this article is best in the print platform as the target audience of 'Q' may not be willing to read about the band N-DUBZ on the internet as it may not be clear if it is negative or positive. I think this is the reason that the band have not been featured on the cover. The target audience of 'Q' do no want to read a positive article about N-DUBZ. I think the print platform is the most effective for this article.
-> The opening line of the article is: 'Still buzzing from having just spent the past hour flying remote-controlled aeroplanes in a nearby field...'. This implies that the band member is a child and also isn't a serious musician. 

Thursday 19 November 2009

Magazine Header

This font is called Skratch Punk.
I chose to do the font in red as it is bold and is also representative of the music industry. 
The broken font also represents the meaning of the word.

Possible Names

Possible Names for my Music Magazine:

The name must portray the correct genre of music and also be apparent that it is to do with the music industry.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Mood Board - Target Audience

Target Audience

I have decided to do a music magazine mainly about Rock/Pop music and also also focussing alot on music festivals. My questionnaire results helped me to decide on the genre and also of what to include in it.

My target audience enjoy going to music festivals and also watch music festival coverage on television. They also watch music channels.
The main age of my target audience will be between the ages of 16 and 25 as this is the main audience for going to events such as music festivals.
Television programmes that my target audience are likely to watch are ones such as, Hollyoaks, MTV, X factor, T4, Friends, One Tree Hill etc.
Bands and artists that my target audience are likely to listen to are ones such as The Enemy, Katy Perry, Razorlight, Florence and the Machine, Beyonce, Lady GaGa, Snow Patrol, Kasabian etc. All of these types of bands/artists will be feautured in my magazine as they appeal to my target audience.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Possible Photos

Below are a selection of possible photos that I could use throughout my music magazine:
These were taken at V festival 2009:

Friday 13 November 2009

Questionnaire Results

To obtain these results I asked a range of people between the ages of 15 and 30.

I asked a selection of 30 people to fill out my questionnaire.

1. Do you prefer a magazine to be one specific genre of music or a general music magazine?
-> The majority of people I asked said that they would prefer the magazine to be a general magazine that covers different types and genres of music.

2. Which music magazines are you currently interested in?
-> NME, Q and Mojo were the most common answers from this question. Research of these magazines would be a good idea.

3. Do you like a music magazine to have lists of the top albums and gigs etc. For example, "100 best rock songs"?
-> Yes, this was the answer that most people said as they like to know what songs are popular at the moment and also they can get ideas of what music to download. For example if it was "100 best rock songs" and they liked rock music then they could look on this list and find other rock songs.

4. Do you prefer a music magazine to have music festival and gig coverage, including photos and exclusive interviews?
-> People said that they liked music festival coverage and interviews with artists and bands. Another feature they said they like to be included is that of recent award ceremonies such as the EMA's. They also said they liked competitions for winning gig tickets and VIP tickets.

5. What extras do you like a music magazine to feature? For example, quizzes, freebies etc?
-> Most people said they liked lots of freebies including posters and sample albums. They also said they liked quizzes and competitions where you can win gig and festival tickets.

6. What colours do you associate with a music magazine and the music industry in general?
-> The main answer from this quewstion was the colour red. Other colours mentioned were yellow black, purple and blue. I will take this into consideration when choosing the colour scheme for my music magazine as I want colours that are representative of the music industry.

7. How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?
-> Most of the people that were asked said that they would be prepared to pay between £2 and £4.

8. What element of the front cover attracts your attention first?
-> One of the main elements that was mentioned in answer to this question was the background image of the front cover, for example if there is a celebrity they particularly like or just a vivid image which catched their eye. Also, colour scheme was said to be one of the most important elements of the front cover which attracts their attention first.

9. Would you prefer the magazine to touch on other areas of the media such as celebrities and fashion or focus strictly on the music industry?
-> The majority of people that were asked said that they would prefer it to be purely about the music industry.

10. Do you listen to music that is currently in the charts?
-> Many people that were asked said that they did listen to music that is currently in the charts. This means that I could think of having a section in the magazine which is devoted to information about music which is in the charts. People also said that they listen to music from specific genres, I will take this into consideration when deciding what my magazine should feature.

11. What genre of music are you mainly interested in? Would you buy a magazine based around this genre?
-> Rock, Pop, Indie and RnB were the most common answers to the first part of the question. Everyone who completed this questionnaire said that they would be interested in purchasing a magazine which was devoted to their favourite genre of music or which had elements of that genre in it.

12. How often do you read about music?
-> The majority of people asked said that they read about music weekly by reading magazines such as NME. They also said they expand their knowledge of the music industry by watching the music channels and also using the internet.


1. Do you prefer a magazine to be one specific genre of music or a general music magazine?
-> I asked this question to see if people prefer a magazine to be a specific genre of music such as R n B or Jazz, or if they prefer a magazine which touches on all areas of the music industry. 

2. Which music magazines are you currently interested in?
-> I asked this question as it will be useful to see which magazines people currently read so then I can see which conventions those magazines use and also what type of magazine cover attracts the reader.

3. Do you like a music magazine to have lists of the top albums and gigs etc. For example, "100 best rock songs"?
-> I asked this question to get an idea of what my target audience like to have featured in a magazine. If the target audience like the idea of having a section devoted to countdowns of  "the 100 best.." then this could possibly be a main feature of my magazine.

4. Do you prefer a music magazine to have music festival and gig coverage, including photos and exclusive interviews?
-> This question will again provide information as to what I could include in my magazine and also help me to see what the target audience are interested in.

5. What extras do you like a music magazine to feature? For example, quizzes, freebies etc?
-> This question will determine what extras my target audience like a music magazine to have. This again could help when configuring the genre of the magazine. Having freebies with a magazine is a typical convention of any genre of magazine.

6. What colours do you associate with a music magazine and the music industry in general?
-> This will help me decide what colours to use on my magazine. Therefore, my magazines identity will definitely have that of a music magazine and also appeal to my target audience.

7. How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine?
-> This magazine will help configure the pricing of the magazine. The price needs to be of a reasonable amount so my target audience will be willing to buy it, this question will determine that price.

8. What element of the front cover attracts your attention first?
-> This will show me which feature on the front cover attracts the attention of my target audience first. Therefore I know which element of the front cover to make the most prominent, such as image or text.

9. Would you prefer the magazine to touch on other areas of the media such as celebrities and fashion or focus strictly on the music industry?
-> This will determine if my target audience would like the magazine to be purely about music or include other things that they are interested in.

10. Do you listen to music that is currently in the charts? 
-> This will provide information as to if my target audience listen to music that is in the charts so therefore this could be a main focus of the magazine. If they don't then the magazine could contain music from other era's.

11. What genre of music are you mainly interested in? Would you buy a magazine based around this genre?
-> This will determine the most popular genre of music amongst my target audience and whether or not they would be interested in buying a magazine to do with that specific genre.

12. How often do you read about music?
-> This will convey how often my new music magazine should be published. For example, weekly or monthly depending on my target audience and how often they want to read about music.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Focus Group

Name: Poppy Adams
Age: 17
Favourite Genre: Indie
Favourite Artists/Bands: Mr Hudson, Talking Heads & Florence and the Machine 
Music Consumption: iPod at school, iTunes on Mac at home, everyday


Name : Alice Donovan
Age: 16
Favourite Genre: Indie
Favourite Artists/Bands: All Time Low & Mayday Parade
Music Consumption: iPod


Name: Brooke Rayner
Age: 17
Favourite Genre: Pop & Dance
Favourite Artists/Bands: Cheryl Cole, Beyonce & Hedkandi
Music Consumption: iPod throughout the day & Music channels


Name: Lucia Farrance
Age: 17
Favourite Genre: R n B
Favourites Artists/Bands: N-Dubz, JLS & Akon
Music Consumption: Youtube, Radio and iPod - daily.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Rhinegold Publishing

-> Rhinegold is an indpendant publisher of music magazines.
-> They prouce specialist music magazines for the music industry such as Classical Music, Opera Now, Music Teacher and International Piano.
-> The company was founded in 1977

Bauer Media Group

Bauer Media Group.
-> The Bauer Media Group is a large publishing company based in Hamburg, Germany.
-> The company operates in fifteen countries worldwide.
-> Since the company was founded in 1875 ad has been privatley owned by the Bauer family ever since. Originally a small publishing house, the Bauer Publishing Group has grown into a worldwide publishing company.
-> It produces and distributes many popular magazines.
-> Worldwide circulation of Bauer Media Group's titles amount to 38 million magazines a week.
-> The Bauer Publishing Group compromises 282 magazines worldwide in 15 countries as well as television and radio stations.
-> Bauer Media Group has a 50% stake in the British television company Box Television, the other half is owned by Channel 4. Box televison produces many popular music televison channels which include; Q TV, 4Music, Kiss TV, Kerrang! TV, Smash Hits TV, etc.

Monday 9 November 2009

Mojo - Textual Analysis

Mojo - Textual Analysis

-> The header is in capital letters and reads 'Mojo', it is written in white text with a black backdrop making it stand out more and look 3D. There is a slight gradient to the text which makes it look more 3D and also makes it look less dull as it is not one plain colour.
-> The main colours used on this page are black, white, blue, gold and yellow.
-> Underneath the header in gold italic text it reads 'The Rock n Roll Magazine', the font and way it is positioned makes it look as though it has been scribbled on my hand.
-> On the left hand side under the header the date, issue number and price are written. This is written in white text, this gives it a more official look than the gold writing that says, 'The Rock n Roll Magazine'.
-> Along the top of the page there is a bar of text and two images that appear to be like news headlines. The titles of the articles are in bold, white text and then the information about the article is in gold text.
-> Also, in the top right hand corner there is a star with names of other bands featured in it written in the center of the shape. The star is bright yellow which makes it stand out against the other things on the page.
-> The background image of the page is of the band Oasis. Behind them is the colour blue which portrays the sky. Written above them there is text that says, 'New Band Of The Year' in gold writing which contrasts with the blue of the sky in the background. 'Oasis' is written in large gold writing. It is the biggest thing on the page, this makes it stand out the most and also highlights the fact that the image in the background is of the band Oasis and also that the main feature of this issue of the magazine is about the band Oasis. There is a quote from the article that reads, "You've got the band you always wanted", this is written in white text.
-> In the bottom left hand corner there is a bright yellow star that is smaller than the one in the top right hand corner. This star has the word 'plus' written in it. Along the bottom of the page next to the star is about the extras that are featured in the magazine. These are written in bold white text.
-> The barcode for this magazine is featured in the bottom right hand corner.

Rave - Textual Analysis

Rave - Textual Analysis

-> The header of this magazine reads 'Rave' which is the title of the magazine. The text is in bright blue and in a modern font. This text does not have any effects on it but it stands out against the busy dull coloured background.
-> Above the header there is some text that says 'Where to party this new year's eve'. This text is written in white capital letters with a red backdrop to make it stand out against the background of the page.
-> The only image on this page is Fergie from the Blackeyed Peas. She is posing standing in a cake. Her hands cover part of the header but it is still legible. This gives a more 3D effect to the image.
-> The pattern in the background is a dull dark green and creme background, this makes the page look really busy and also all of the colours that are on it stand out even more.
-> The text that is on the cake that Fergie is jumping out of reads 'The Holiday Issue' rather than having an issue number the magazine has an issue name that fits in with the time of the year which it is being released. This is obviously around December time as there is text on there which says the best ways to celebrate the new year and also it is called 'The Holiday Issue'.
-> The main colours featured on the front of this magazine are red green, white and blue.
-> Fergie's name is written in bold green text at the side of the page. If you didn't immediately know who the person in the background image was then this would make it clearer.
-> Other than on the header, the same font has been used throughout the whole design of the front cover. It has just been used in different colours and sizes. This makes different parts of the page stand out more than others.
-> The barcode is featured in the bottom left hand corner of the front cover.
-> There is only one image featured on this front cover, the rest of the page is made up of different text. However, the page does not look boring and too textual as there is a very busy background design which makes up for the lack of images and emphasises the one of Fergie more as it is the central theme of the page.