Monday 7 December 2009


Comments - Front cover

Poppy: "professional looking, bold colours, would attract more of a male audience, eye-catching, original."

Brooke: "love the photo, think the yellow box is really good, like the list of artists down the right hand side, date and issue look professional, i like the riot award."

Jess: " really like the photo and love all the bright colours, definately looks professional! Well finished off with the little touches."

Comments on Contents Page
Poppy: "professional looking, simplistic, well-edited image, informative, eye-catching, fits in with other pages."

Brooke: "love the photo (again), think that the contents page is a little different to normal contents pages but this is good because it challenges conventions as well as expectations."
Jess: "very professional and different to most contents pages although could be confusing and I like the way things are highlighted around the edge."

Comments on Double Page Spread

Poppy: "professional looking, strong image, eye-catching and inviting"

Brooke: "like how the writing is done like with the blocks behind it and that. love the photo."
Jess: "like the way that the image is behind the text but I think that the small picture in the corner could be a bit bigger as it is a really good photo."

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