Monday 7 December 2009


Comments - Front cover

Poppy: "professional looking, bold colours, would attract more of a male audience, eye-catching, original."

Brooke: "love the photo, think the yellow box is really good, like the list of artists down the right hand side, date and issue look professional, i like the riot award."

Jess: " really like the photo and love all the bright colours, definately looks professional! Well finished off with the little touches."

Comments on Contents Page
Poppy: "professional looking, simplistic, well-edited image, informative, eye-catching, fits in with other pages."

Brooke: "love the photo (again), think that the contents page is a little different to normal contents pages but this is good because it challenges conventions as well as expectations."
Jess: "very professional and different to most contents pages although could be confusing and I like the way things are highlighted around the edge."

Comments on Double Page Spread

Poppy: "professional looking, strong image, eye-catching and inviting"

Brooke: "like how the writing is done like with the blocks behind it and that. love the photo."
Jess: "like the way that the image is behind the text but I think that the small picture in the corner could be a bit bigger as it is a really good photo."

Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Role of Music Magazines

What role do music magazines have in the establishment of youth subcultures?
-> Music magazines play a vital role in the establishment of youth subcultures. Music magazines convey a certain image to go with different genres of music. For example an article about the band JLS would be represented in a different way to an article about the band The Enemy as they are different genres of music and therefore attract a different target audience. Different genres of music help to shape the personalities of teenagers as the music they listen to effects their lifestyle, for example the clothes they dress. Music magazines play the role of helping to shape the lifestyles of young people and also how they dress and speak. Therefore, music magazines influence teenagers lifestyles and therefore add to the establishment of youth subcultures as music magazine give teenagers an image for the music they listen to and young people follow this.